Support our community

Explore ways you can contribute

We are a non profit group run entirely by volunteers and supported by people like you. If you believe in what we're doing or we've helped you here are some ways you can support us.

Help us spread the word

Tell your friends

Do you know of a person, group, or community that could thrive at the Artifactory? Let them know!

Bring someone to the space

There's no better way to support our community than by helping it grow. Our First Visit guide has some resources that your guest may find useful.

Leave a review

After you've used our workshop please leave a review on Google or Facebook, it's a great way to show others that you've enjoyed your time at our workshop.


Skill sharing and information workshops

We're always looking for volunteers to run events in the space. Are you knowledgeable in an area you think our community might be interested in? Get in touch!

External events

New places and groups to visit and talk about what we do are our jam. Reach out if you organise a fair, festival, market, or convention and you think your attendees would be interested in the Artifactory.

Organise an excursion or incursion

Does your university club, high school class, or community group have an interest in making? We may be able to provide a tailored activity to suit.

Donate items

Donate equipment or consumables

The facilities we offer to the community are only possible because of the equipment and consumables donated by our supporters. We are also set up to distribute donated equipment to worthy causes when we are unable to use the item ourselves.
Please contact us first before bringing in equipment or consumables. We will also be able to advise whether the donation is tax deductible.

Donate eligible drink containers

We are registered with the Containers for Change scheme and containers can be donated to us at any collection point by quoting our scheme ID: C10494301. If you're already dropping in for an event let one of our volunteers know and we can process the donation directly.
Container donations over $2 at registered collection points are tax deductible. Donations on site are not but may be more convenient for event attendees.

Donate money

Donate funds directly

Direct monetary donations can be sent to the following account:
Name: Perth Artifactory Inc
BSB: 086 366
Account: 329 833 366
Donations over $2 sent to this account are tax deductible. Please contact us for a receipt if you're not an existing member.

Wills and estates

By making a bequest to us you are directly supporting a diverse community of makers, artists, and creatives. Your generosity ensures equal opportunities for all, regardless of background or experience, to learn, make, and share within our cooperative environment. Please contact us for more details.

Have questions?